
Emberlight turns any light into a ‘Smart’ light

The concept of the digital home has been with us for some time now, depicting a home where electrical appliances are described as ‘smart’ because they are connected and controlled as an integrated, intelligent system. The benefits of such a system include energy saving and what better way to save energy than to better control the lights of a home.
The Emberlight device screws directly into any standard light bulb socket, with the bulb then screwed in the Emberlight device. Once installed you can then connect to the Emberlight via your home’s Wi-Fi, and configure the light to behave via a simple app on your smartphone. It is such a simple concept, I’m almost miffed I didn’t think of it myself.
645x479xemberlight 02.png.pagespeed.ic .Bz1 zN2FvP Emberlight turns any light into a Smart light

